L o a d i n g
Popo Iskandar
Rooster (Ayam Jantan)  (1994)

width 80cm x height 95cm.

  • artist Popo Iskandar
  • title Rooster (Ayam Jantan) 1994
  • size Width 80cm x Height 95cm
  • mark
    Come with size detail from artist
    Signed by the artist
Oil on canvas: 95 x 80 cm
Signed and dated, lower right: Popo'94
DR. Hawe Setiawan, M.Sn., Soni Farid Maulana, Anton Susanto, S.Sn. RUPAKATA Art and Thoughts of Popo Isk andar, Published by Studio Titian Seni, Griya Seni Popo Iskandar, Bandung, 2016, Page. 224